Christmas, also known as the “Feast of Nativity” is celebrated all around the world on December 25. This festival marks the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ who is the Messiah of God in Christian mythology. Christmas is one of the most joyous celebrations among Christians. Christmas symbolizes merriment, affection, and love, Christmas is celebrated with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm by everyone no matter what religion they are.
Christmas is a festival full of culture and tradition. It starts with lots of preparations. Preparations for Christmas start with buying decorations for Christmas trees, buying gifts for family members an friends, and preparation of cakes, cookies pies, and so on . Christmas tree decorations, with shining stars in all places and lovely Christmas cakes. People usually wear white or red colored outfits on Christmas.
Christmas as we celebrate now is a modern interpretation of ancient pagan celebrations. It is heavily centered around the mythical figure “Santa, as they receive gifts, also known as Kris Kringle”.Santa Claus is the traditional patron of Christmas all around the world. Santa Claus is associated with the traditional pattern of Saint Nicholas, Santa is rumored to live on the North pole. Along with his helper elves. Each year it is believed that Santa Claus would wait for children over the world, to give them gifts. He rides on his sleigh from the North Pole, giving gifts to all children around the world on Christmas Eve.
Young children are especially happy about Christmas as they receive gifts and get great Christmas treats. The treat includes Christmas cakes, cookies, and pies.People on this day visit churches with their family members and light candles in front of Jesus Christ's idols.Churches are decorated with fairy lights, stars, and candles., The main attraction is Christmas cribs adorn with gifts, lights, etc. Christmas carols are also performed with songs, and dances about Jesus Christ.One of the famous Christmas songs sung is “Jingle Bells. Jingle Bells, Jingles all the way”
On Christmas, It is believed that Jesus Christ, son of God came to earth on this day to end people's sufferings and miseries. Jesus Christ's visit is symbolic of happiness and goodwill and is depicted through the visit of the three wise men and shepherds. This festival also marks the close of the year and symbolizes all things heart warming and jolly as it is a special time when people all over the world spend time with each other in merriment and celebrations. Christmas is indeed a magical festival that is all about sharing love and happiness.
Cute merry Christmas Wishes-
“ May the lights of Christmas bring light and happiness into your life with us at Truelymarry”
“May the spirit of Christmas infuse your life with hope, positivity
and joy”
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